RISD Design Class of 2026




RISD Design Class of 2026

Trial of


Stages by Stages


Since the purpose of our project is to communicate infomation with aliens mutually, both illustration and description in our language is needed.  


As universe seems to be so boardless and Gigantic, It should be necessary for us to consider the morality level of our golden record recipient. That we shall always our keep distance in contact with any other exterrestial species as a protection to ourselves. 

Hence, my duty is to create a test, or trial of morale. By offering aliens a series of image of choices, they will decide which path to follow and which not.

Finally, as they reached the end of selection tree path, three endings with different awards will appear, based on their inclination from good to bad. 

Choices in Slides
Random align

Fire, with such charm and importance,
provide human kind its warmth, protection,
and illumination. its generous and
destructive  at the same way, as many
believed, the best gift we may obtain.

Crafting & Creation

As our first ancestor created sparks by simply rubbing stones and woods, he opened up the curtain of civilization long awaits. As it marked as the first attemp human kind try to take advantage from the nature and world surround them, by using wisdom of crafting.

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